About us

Ilam is the far eastern district of the country adorned with lush-green tea gardens.

Plant Research Centre, Ilam conducts various Plant Research Programmes every year.
Main activities are Ex-situ and In- situ conservation and cultivation of selected medicinal plants particularly endangered, endemic and CITES listed plant species.
It conducts research to develop protocols for cultivation and quality control through improved agro-techniques.

The objectives of this office are

To optimize medicinal and aromatic plant species (MAPs) yields through research.
To conduct market studies and socioeconomic analysis
To disseminate the research results through journals or leaflets
Activities carried out at District Plant Resources Office, Ilam
Production and distribution of seedlings of MAPs species (Chiraito, Lauth Salla, Sugandhwal)

Community based MAPs cultivation (Chiraito)
MAPs cultivation programme for minor farmers (Chiraito)
One Village One Product (Chiraito)
Traditional knowledge documentation (Lepcha Community)
Landscape and garden management
Demonstration plot management
Domestication and germ-plasm conservation
Rhododendron conservation and management
Orchid collection and conservation
Herbal garden establishment in partnership with Community based Schools
Training on Conservation, Promotion and Cultivation of MAPs
Home Herbal Garden for women
Awareness programme- radio program on medicinal plants

  • Madan Kumar Khadka

    Senior Scientific Officer (कार्यालय प्रमुख)

  • Vacant

    Scientific Officer (Botany)